The purpose of this paper is to inform consumers about the performance and cost differences between compressor oils, including OEM branded and popular aftermarket products. These evaluations will
provide consumers the confidence in which to purchase high-quality compressor oil at the lowest possible price.
Air compressor companies must contract with a lubricant company to manufacture oil for them.When the air compressor manufacturers purchase oil from a lubricant manufacturer they become the middlemen and the cost is increased to the consumer. OEM branded compressor oils provide the allure of quality, but in many cases the price of these oils is unnecessarily inflated and is frequently exorbitant. In addition, these oils often do not have the best performance characteristics that are available on the market.
Air compressor original equipment manufacturers (OEM) help eliminate some confusion by publishing minimum oil specifications required for their individual air compressors. These minimum oil specifications insure minimum lubricant performance. Any oil that meets or exceeds the minimum specifications can be used without voiding the standard or regular compressor warranty (usually one or two years).While OEMs do not manufacture their own compressor oil, they frequently market their own brand of compressor oil and have often been able to tie separately purchased extended warranty requirements to the use of their own branded oil.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) governs the minimum quality standards for engine oils. Air compressor oils are not governed by any organization, so no official performance standards exist. This leaves the responsibility for producing a satisfactory product to the individual lubricant manufacturers.
Compressed air is a critical part of many manufacturing facilities; without it, production would cease. Reliable air compressor operation is essential to manufacturing production. Lubrication is key to keeping air compressors running and is sometimes called the compressors life-blood. Compressor lubricants are produced by many lubricant manufacturers, ranging in quality from poor to excellent. Poor air compressor oil could cause the compressor to have a very short life, but excellent quality air compressor oil reduces maintenance and can extend compressor life. Some end users find comfort in using the manufacturer recommended oil because of perceived quality.
A Study of Compressor Oils
Process Gas Compatibility Guide
You may also download the entire Compressor Oil Study which is spread out below. (prices are not current)
8-page brochure on AMSOIL Compressor Oils will provide more detail
ISO 100 & 150
AMSOIL DC Synthetic Compressor Oils are long-life, premium compressor lubricants based on novel, proprietary technology. They improve compressor efficiency
and extend drain intervals in reciprocating (piston) compressors and vacuum pumps where high discharge temperatures or carbon build-up are a concern.
AMSOIL DC Synthetic Compressor Oils incorporate the highest quality, thermally-stable synthetic esters fortified with premium non-detergent, ashless additives for maximum protection at high
temperatures and pressures where petroleum lubricants typically break down.
Call 800-579-0580 Download the full details (PDF) on our SEI Series Compressor Oils. (not available in the Amsoil Store - special purpose product)
Compressor Oil Cross-Reference guide.
ISO 100 & 150
AMSOIL DC Synthetic Compressor Oils are long-life, premium