SYNTH 7000
Dolphin Synth 7000 gives a translucent type of emulsion with water and it has an added
advantage of clear visibility during machining. It has rust inhibitor to provide protection
against rust and corrosion.
Application of Dolphin Synth 7000 provides excellent cooling and lubrication to expensive
tools ensuring long tool life and excellent surface finish.
Dolphin Synth 7000 should be used in concentration of 3 % for all the machining operation.
For specific use, concentration may very depend upon the machining required.
Property Value
Appearance C & B
Colour (3%)in water Florescent Greenish Yellow
Cast Iron Corrosion rating
(2.5%) emulsion in
Distilled water
Water % by weight 60
pH (3%) in Distilled water 8.50 to 9.50
Copper Strip Corrosion 3
hrs @ 100 0 C max. Passes
Dolphin Synth 7000 gives a translucent type of emulsion with water and it has an added |