MSP products are very cost effective, takinginto consideration the savings resulting from considerable reduction in repairand maintenance costs, considerable reduction in down time, dramatic increasein equipment life span and reduced energy consumption.
MSP additives are 100% petroleum based,contain no solid particles, and are compatible with all the lubricants on themarket.
The "polishing-smoothing" effectthat MSP lubricants have on worn friction surfaces in older equipment, extendits life span, improve its performance and lower its energy consumption.
MSP additives are also very good moisturerepellants and are very effective when used in equipment operating in extremeconditions of moisture, abrasive dust and dirt.
When added to grease, motor and transmissionoils , MSP dramatically reduces wear of the mating friction surfaces in carengines, transmissions and other equipment (up to 99%), considerably extendingtheir life span (5 to 10 times). Lower friction results in lower fuelconsumption. In the event of lubricant loss the protective layer provides atemporary protection against failure. For example, a vehicle can get to thenearest repair shop, and/or expensive equipment is temporarily protected untilthe loss of lubricant is detected.
Since the protective layer is very thin, itis very flexible (like a very thin sheet metal). Although during collisions theprotective layer does not allow metal particles to break away, being flexibleit allows the metal underneath to be pushed horizontally by the horizontalforce generated by collisions. Thus the metal on the "mountains" is"pushed" into the "valleys" flattening out the frictionsurface resulting in smooth polished-like surface that has much lower frictioncoefficient. This advanced technology that allows formation of hard, smoothpolished-like surfaces from the original friction surfaces, is one of the mainfeatures that makes MSP so different from other lubricants on the market today.
When MSP is applied, under heat andpressure, some elements of MSP impregnate metallurgically the crystal structureof the metal itself at its mating friction surface. As a result of themetallurgical process, a very thin layer of original metal is converted into anew type of metal that is much harder and has at least 100 times longerwear-life. This newly formed layer of metal protects the original"softer" metal beneath it from any wear.
When observing mating friction surfacesunder high magnification one can see that they are actually full of"mountains" and "valleys." These "mountains"penetrate the oil-film that separates the mating friction surfaces, and collidewith each other. These collisions in the micro level translate into"friction" between the mating friction surfaces in the macro-level.Some of these collisions result in metal particles breaking away from thecolliding "mountains". The breaking away metal particles in themicro-level translate into "wear" process in the macro-level.
Conventional lubricants are based uponmaintaining high strength and thickness of oil film, or on introducing an EP(Extreme Pressure) protective deposit between moving mating surfaces to resistfailure resulting in scoring, seizure or accelerated wear.
Why are MSP products superior to the otherproducts on the market?
MSP Formula 2-6-8 can be used in general application in the power steering, differential, transmission treatment formula, etc.
Package: | Available SizesSize Packaging473mL 24 bottles per box4L 6 bottles per box19L 1 pail |
Application: | Matt Coating |
Waterproof: | Family |
General Composition: | Extreme Pressure |