- solar charger
- color:black
- Solar cell:5.5V140ma Solar Panel:High-efficiency singel\ polysilicon solar panels0.77W
Li-ion battery:1500mah
Output voltage: 3.7-6v
Output current:1A (Maximum) volume:110X70X12.5
- Configuration of high efficiency, high power crystal silicon solar panels to enhance the usefulness of the product, under the standard sunshine 4-6 hours can be full of products
built-in lithium batteries
- LED lights display real-time electricity consumption by three LED lights, real-time instructions built-in battery power, red linght shows the batter is lower, orange lithium batteries light
shows higher battery, if the lights changed green light means full power
- Settings manually surge functional , make products in the efficiency of the conversion process to play the best performance, while its own voltage has lock function, can be charged a very
good protection
- it is with color paper-box packaging
- there are also another different solar chargers that we can offer you
1.solar charger;
2.Solar cell:5.5V140ma;
3.Li-ion battery:1500mah;
4.Output voltage: 3.7-6v;
5.with color paper-box pack.