Please do not waste our time or yours if you have/will have problem to abide by this law and procedure.
Gas in the regional government of Ryazan.
before the allocation and contact be approved for export by the syndicate and Administrator of Energy and
Ministry of Energy and Gas. Its obligatory to pay the tax of at least the first month shipment volume/quantity
NOTE: the procedure N? 4 is non-Negotiable (0.12USD per Metric Ton is part of the 0.24USD imposed tobut the refinery and its foreign customers by the region government of Ryazan and supported by the Federal
8.Delivery commence as per Contract.
7.Seller's bank issues 2% Performance Bond to activate the RDLC
6.Buyer's bank opens RDLC against full POP from Seller's bank to buyer's bank via SWIFT
5.Seller issues soft POP (Seller & Buyer sign and exchange hard copy of contract both party lodgescontract in respective bank)
4.Buyer borne the Ryazan Government Inland Tax (0.12USD per Metric Ton 50% of total $0.24 per mt )
3.Seller issues draft contract free for amendments (Buyer returns the Contract signed and sealed)
2.Seller issues FCO (Buyer sign, seal and return the FCO as an acceptance to the Seller's procedure)
1.Buyer issues ICPO + BCL with soft probe authorization (Buyer/Seller & all party sign NCND+IMFPA)
Origin and Passport number.
Buyer or Buyers mandate. No ICPO will be attended without the full Buyer's information including country of
If you are the official buyers mandate, we may require an official mandate certificate.If broker, agent,marketing facilitator, an NCNDA and IMFPA must be signed, and negotiations will be held directly with
NOTE: We can only supply a maximum of 12m MT a year on Bitumen
Over 1 Million MT x 12 Months USD 240/230 Gross / Net
450,000 to 950,000 MT x 12 Months USD 250/240 Gross / Net
Under 450,000 MT per Month x 12 Months USD 260/250 Gross / Net
Bitumen 60/70 and 80/100 grades D2 JP54 Urea N46 M100