Our strength is a strong manufacturing base admeasuring 2500sq. m with supports all divisions by giving them quality products. We possess facilities like Auto Coil bending machine, Heavy
Plate bending machine, 25 Tons capacity overhead EOT Crane, Argon welding set, DC Welding Generator set, Rectifiers.
Safety Action
Low Thermic Fluid Level in Expansion Tank
Level Switch actuated at expansion tank cuts of the ID Fan / FD Fan.
Low Thermic Fluid Flow
Differential pressure switch (DPS) across inlet and outlet headers cuts of the ID Fan slowing down combustion
Thermic Fluid system pressure high due to system valves closure etc.
- Pressure switch cuts of ID Fan and alarm.
- Safety relief valve (Optional) to be provided in the system piping so as to by pass the oil.
Thermic Fluid Temperature High
Digital Temperature cuts of ID fan at set point
Coil Chocking
Differential pressure Switch (DPS) across system cuts of the ID Fan Slowing down combustion
Thermic Fluid Motor Trip
Electrical Interlock cuts of fans
Power Failure
- Diesel Engine (Optional) keeps thermic fluid moving to avoid overheating and overflow of oil.
- Exhaust with Damper provided on furnace to drive away hot gases directly.