Indonesian Steam Coal

we only dealing with FOB basis


We know what it takes

We offer GCV: 6300 reject 6100 . GCV 5800 reject 5600 . GCV 5500 reject 5300. Origin from South Kalimantan, Indonesia and herewith we inform you our holly notes of saying HOW TO BUILD a partnership and future with BMM ? It is a privilege for us to do business with you, and herewith is our Steam Coal business procedure to follow: (1) Easy communication through internet - facsimile - telephone. (2) Up on interested, buyer send LOI (Letter of Intent)  (3) Seller issue FCO.(4) Buyer or seller send draft contract (5) Buyer and seller approved signed contract (6) Seller confirms. To arrange buyer site visit (7) Hard signed between buyer and seller (8) Delivery time.


GCV 6300 reject 6100. Gcv 5800 reject 5600. Gcv 5500 reject 5300

  • Application:VHS
  • Brand Name:BMM Coal
  • Place of Origin: Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan In...
  • Country:Indonesia
  • telephone:62-21-93694178
Package: Bulk
Application: VHS
Brand Name: BMM Coal
Place of Origin: Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia
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Double Drums Coal-fired Steam & Hot Water Boiler

Type of Boiler: Natural circulation, forced circulation, steam and hot water supplied Mode of Combustion: Grate-fired furnace Form of Ex-factory: package or assembly Fuel: bituminous Coal, dry-burning coal, hard coal, ligneous coal, firewood (sawdust), grass residue, rice ...

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Single Drum Coal-fired Steam & Hot Water Boiler

The lower part of the boiler is the burning device that is equipped with the light-type chain grate stoker, the coal supply machine, the ash extractor, the dust collector and the electric control box. It realizes the mechanization of coal supply and ash discharging and the ...

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