This 335 million ton sub-bituminous coal bed (Merchant Mine) in Texas spans over a sparsely populated 25,000 acres. This high quality, low-moisture, low-sulfur coal bed has been engineered and is situated near a fresh water source and a railroad line. It is in a perfect position for the construction of a power plant of up to 1,200 megawatts generating capacity for 30 years. However, another viable option is mining and exportation.This coal burns at 2,500 - 2,650 degrees fahrenheit. Average 5,165 btu/pound. It has 1,200 megawatts generating capacity for 30 years. It has an 8 ft. average thickness spanning over 25,000 acres. The depth of the coal is 30ft - 200ft below the surface.Ash analysis:Sio2: 68.52%Ai2o3: 18.88%Tio2: .66%Fe2o3: 5.03%CaO: .97%K2O: .13%SO3: .38%P2O5: .6%Undetermined: .24%Silica Value: 89.79%We have held a good personal rapport with the landowners for over 20 years. In addition, the coal can be leased quickly since the landowners are familiar with coal leases and there is no lease competition.Contact Heather Lingle for more information or to arrange for a visit to view the deposit.
This 335 million ton sub-bituminous coal bed (Merchant Mine) in Texas spans over a sparsely populate