Dear sales executive,We are agents of various companies to sell their products in india we offer goods on the tender basis, on behalf of our principals.We are looking for a supplier of 4 types of coke/cole having below mentioned specifications. Please note that in the present case of calcined pertoleum coke, you have to give a security deposit of usd 2130. If you agree for giving the same, only then kindly offer. In any case, you will get back your deposit amount, in 45 days from the date of the tender opening, which is 15th june 2001.We have also enclosed the details of the terms/conditions of the semi soft coking coke of the actual user. Tell us if you are ready to give the bid-bond of usd 40,000 in this case.If yes, kindly inform us so that we will send you all the details of the tenders.Also, tell us your approximate prices for our reference.ThanksPawan kumarCosmic connection1.- Specification of Calcined Petroleum Coke QUANTITY REQUIRED - 12,000 MT Real Density : 2.0 - 2.1 Gr/ccBulk Density : 1.5 - 1.6 Gr/ccPorosity : 21 - 23 %Volatioe Matter : 0.50 % max.Moisture : 0.05 % max.Sulphur : 0.70 % max.Fixed Carbon : 99.50 % min.Ash : 0.50 % max. Fe : 0.05 % max.Si : 0.037 % max.Ti : 0.0006 % max.Ni : 0.013 % max.V : 0.013 % max. P : 0.0003 % max.Wt. Of 1 cubic cm of : 0.7 - 1.0 GmGranulometry + 25 mm : NIL-25 mm + 6 mm : 50 - 55 %-6 mm + 0.3 mm : 45 - 50 %-below 0.3 mm : 3 %Resistivity : 100 Ohm Square MM/Mtr(Or) Aspecific Electrical Resistivity : 350 - 400NOTE: Sub-Standard supply shall invite penalty. Below fixed Carbon of 99 % will be rejected2.- Specifications of the Steam Coal QUANTITY REQUIRED- 15,000 MT(1)Class -Bituminous Coal (2)Nature -Non-Cooking (3)Size -50 to 200 mm (4)% age Ash -13 to 14% (5)Moisture -Less than 2% (6)Volatile -Less than19% (7)Heat Valve -Heat valve exceeding 5600 Kilogram calories per Kg. But not exceeding 6200 Kilogram, 3.- Pet CokeQUANTITY REQUIRED - 250,000 MT/YEARThe petcoke is produced from the coal and is for metalgical applications. What we need is the petroleum coke which is refinery waste or residue.This product has a calorific value of about 7000 Kcal/kg., ash content less than 3% and low sulphur content and is highly abrasive.The main application is for burning in the boilers for a power plant . We would request you to quote with the above specifications at your earliest with packing details, delivery and terms & conditions.4.- Semi soft Coking CokeQUANTITY REQUIRED - 180,000 MT/YEARRashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited invites global tenders forfor import of semisoft coking coal Invitation to tender for supply of 180,000 tons of semi soft coking coal. 1.0. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) invites sealed bids in two parts (part A - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part B - Price Bid in separate envelope) for import of 180,000 Metric tons +/- 5% shipping tolerance of semi soft coking coal with an option exercisable at the sole discretion of the purchaser to increase/ decrease the quantity by upto +/- 25% for deliveries to commence at an average rate of 20,000 to 30,000 T per month from August 2001 onwards until completion (with a provision to extend the delivery period b 3 months) or as mutually agreed, for use in the Coke-Ovens in its integrated Iron and Steel works for the production of metallurgical Coke. 2.0. Specification of Semi soft coking coal : S. No. : 1 Technical parameters : (a) Size (b) Fractions below 0.5 mm Desired specn. : 0-50 mm 25% max Absolute : 0-50mm 30% max S. No. : 2 Technical parameters : Total Moisture (on as received basis) Desired specn. : 8% max Absolute : 10% max S. No. : 3 Technical parameters : Proximate Analysis (on air dry basis) BS 1016- part 104 1991 a) Volatile Matter Desired specn. : 26% -32% Absolute : 24%-34% max b) Ash Desired specn. : 9.5% max Absolute : 11.5% max S. No. : 4 Technical parameters : Sulphur (BS1016-1973) Desired specn. : .6% max Absolute : 0.8% max S. No. : 5 Technical parameters : Phosphorous (BS 1016-1973) Desired specn. : 0.1% max Absolute : 0.1% max S. No. : 6 Technical parameters : Crudible Swelling Number (CSN) (ISO 501-1981) Desired specn. : 4 min Absolute : 4 min S. No. : 7 Technical parameters : Mean Max Reflectance at Vitrinite (MMR) (ISO/7404) Desired specn. : 0.85 -1.00 Absolute : 0.85-1.00 S. No. : 8 Technical parameters : Vitrinite % (ISO/7404) Desired specn. : 50% min Absolute : 45% min S. No. : 9 Technical parameters : Gray King Coke Type (ISO/502-1981) Desired specn. : G min Absolute : G min S. No. : 10 Technical parameters : Max. Fluidity (ddpm) Desired specn. : 150 min Absolute : 150 min S. No. : 11 Technical parameters : IST (degs. C.) Desired specn. : 410+/-15 Absolute : 410+/-15 S. No. : 12 Technical parameters : Plastic range (degs. C.) Desired specn. : 60 min Absolute : 50 min S. No. : 13 Technical parameters : Ash fusion Temp. (degs. C.) a) Initial deformation b) Hemi Spherical c) Free flowing (Tenderers to indicate the values for the coal offered) Note : Coal should be from single identifiable mine/ seam comprising straight coal only. 3.0. Advance sample : for new coals/ brands which were not tested/ consumed by RINL/VSP, the tenderers have to forward 10 kgs of advance representatives sample of each type/ brand of coal offered for carrying out tests. This sample should reach on or before the date of submission of tender i.e. 20.06.2001 without fail. 4.0. Tender document : the Tender document can be obtained until 1700 hrs. (IST) on 02.06.2001 from the office of Executive Director (MM), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, on payment of non-refundable amount of Rs.5000/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn on any Indian Scheduled Bank or Bank Pay Order in favour of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited payable at Visakhapatnam. Tender document will be issued to the Indian Representatives of Foreign tenderers if the said Indian Representatives have been duly authorised by the principal`s i.e. the Foreign tenderers referring to the number and date of this Global Tender Notice, to collect the Tender document from RINL, on behalf of such Foreign tenderers. 5.0. Bid Bond/ Bid Money : Each tender should be accompanied by Bid Money by means of either a Demand Draft in US$ drawn on any Scheduled Bank and payable at Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, at Visakhapatnam or a Bid Bond in the form of a Bank Guarantee (as per the prescribed proforma) established in favour of RINL for an amount covering not less than 1% of the value of the offered quantity of Semi Soft Coking Coal on FOB (Trimmed) / CFR (Fee Out), Visakhapatnam basis whichever is higher, subject to a maximum of US$ 40,000. 6.0. The prescribed proforma of bid bond is available on request. Tenders received with out
Dear sales executive,
We are agents of various companies to sell their products in india we offe
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