General features Ferric oxide Fe2O3 11,35 Sizing 25120 mm /2580 mm 75,0 95,0 Caustic lime CaO 3,35 Total Moisture, % Wr 9,0 Magnesium oxide MgO 1,30 Moisture hygroscopic(adb ), % Wrh 2,5 Titanium oxide TiO2 0,90 Ash (adb), % Ad 4,0 Manganous oxide MnO2 0,05 Volatile matter, % Vdaf 2,5 Phosphorus oxide P2O5 0,71 Fixed Carbon C fdaf 97,5 Sulphur oxide SO3 1,57 Volume of volatile matter, sm3/gr Vvdaf 56,0 Sodium oxide Na2O 0,61 Real density, gr /sm3 drd 1,76 Potassium oxide K2O 1,54 Apparent density, gr/sm 3 dad 1,51 Ash Fusion Temperature (in oxygen atmosphere), 0C Porousity, % Prd 14,2 Initial Deformation tA 1140 Gross Calorific Value, MgJ/kg Qsdaf 33,95 H=1/2W tB 1440 Gross Calorific Value, kcal/kg Qsdaf 8109 Fluid tC 1490 Net Calorific Value, MgJ/kg Qir 29,56 Hardgrove Grindability Index HGI 39 Net Calorific Value, kcal/kg Qir 7059 Macerale structure, %: Reactivity with CO2, sm3/gr Rco 2 0,42 Clean coal 98 Structural toughness, % T s 90,8 Clay substance Mgl 2 Resistivity, Om/sm P 1,9*102 Sulphide Ms 0 Thermal stability, % TS 91,1 Carbonate Mk 0 Total Sulphur, % Std 0,25 Quartz Mkz + Carbon, % Ctdaf 95,7 Structure of clean coal, % Hydrogen, % Htdaf 1,4 Vitrinite Vt 36 Nitrogen, % Ndaf 1,4 Exinite (Liptinite) L 0 Oxygen, % Oddaf 1,2 Semivitrinite Sv 6 Phosphorus, % Pd 0,0015 Inertinite I 58 Chlorine, % Cld 0,045 The sum of fusain components, % EOK 62 Arsenic, % As 0,0044 Vitrinite reflectance RO 3,98 Elementary ash analysis, % Vitrinite reflectance anisotropy AR 64 Silicon oxide SiO2 50,20 Standard deviation % SR 0,407 Aluminium oxide Al2O3 28,42 Number of breaks 2
Anthracite lumps (AKO, 25-120 mm)