As of today we can offer 71.50 per ton loaded into a railcar in Kentucky or 95 dollars loaded onto a ship in New Orleans.
Purchase of 2.0M Short Tons (1 yr or 5 yr Contract)
50K Short Tons per shipment
40 Shipments
Steam Coal
2 Gross Calorific Value (Air Dried Basis) BTU/lb 11,340,000Btu/lb
3 Total Moisture % 15.0 Maximum
4 Inherent Moisture (Air Dried Basis) % 8.0 Approx
5 Volatile Matter (Air Dried Basis) % 43.0 Approx
6 Fixed Carbon (Air Dried Basis) % 34.0 Approx
7 Ash (Air Dried Basis) % 15.0 Approx
8 Total Sulphur (Air Dried Basis) % 1.0 Maximum
9 Hardgrove Grindability Index 45 Approx
10 Nitrogen (dry Basis) % 1.15 Approx
11 Flourine (Air Dried Basis) Ppm 50 Approx
12 Chlorine (Air Dried Basis) Ppm 100 Approx
13 Ash Fusion Temprature (Oxidizing)
14 Initial Deformation 1,100 - 1,400 DegreesCelsius
15 Hemispherical Deformation 1,500 Degrees Celsius
16 Flow Deformation 1,500 Degrees Celsius
18 Ash Analysis
19 SiO2 % 56.0
20 Al2O3 % 29.0
21 TiO3 % 1.0
22 Fe2O3 % 6.0
23 CaO % 1.0
24 MgO % 0.5
25 K2O % 0.9
26 Na2O % 0.3
27 SO3 % 1.5
28 P2O5 % 0.4
29 Mn3O4 % 0.05
30 Size50 mm x 0% 100%
31 2MM x 0% 20 Max
Kentucky Steam Coal