- Quantity - 40,000 to 50,000 Mtn +/- 10%
- General Spec - 6300-6100 Kcal
- Price - US$ 48 PDMT- FOB-ST- Mother Vessel ( This Price should be Net to us)
- Load Rate - Min 8000 Mtns PWWD -SHINC
- Lay Can - 10/15 March- 2008
- Offer from the ACTUAL SHIPPER with Quality Certificate of the LOT THAT IS BEING OFFERED ( CURRENT DATE)
- FOB-MV Terms
- Non Transferable, Sight L/c for 100% Invoice value
- Load Port Analysis by GEOCHEM
- 2% PBG after Contract in-operative to become operative on receipt of our L/c
If these Terms are acceptable, thenwe shall proceed further and have a direct meeting with your Shipper (Only with Shippers) either at JB 0r Singapore or Jakarta immediately tofinalise
the Contract across the Table...
Await your reply at your earliest...