I would like to inform all buyers of met and coking coak that we have the opportunity in representing the largest of producers in the world. Offically as mandates we are in a positon in supplying 40,000 metric tonnes of coking coal per month also 40,000 metric tonnes of met coal per month.As it is we deal with some of the largest producers across the wold which enables us to not only get the best of quality but at the bst prices.Now we do not want to be dealing with the tenders but only with companies that have the sufficent means in being able to purchase. We are offering long term opportunities but you must be quick the great opportunities will not last.So that we can properly assess and organise a fco. Most importantly we woul;d be needing a LOI also discharge information upon where the goods are going.
I would like to inform all buyers of met and coking coak that we have the opportunity in representin