This green fields deposit is located in the Limpopo coal field of South Africa.
The deposit in question is held under a prospecting right issued by
the DME of South Africa and covers in excess of 140 million square
meters. The deposit is located on 5 separate farms (2 farms share a
common boundary and the remaining 3 farms share another boundary)
where good relationships with the land owners have been developed. To
date a total of 41 boreholes have been completed over a number of
different drilling campaigns. The core has been logged and sampled
(SGS reports are available for recent drilling); a database of this
information is available. Core from the more recent drilling programs
is available for viewing on site.
The current estimate for in situ coal is in excess of 1100 000 000
tonnes. This estimate was done using 3D geological modeling tools, the
results of which are available in an independent report on the
The infrastructure in the project area is good, with the predominant
land use activities including mining and farming. There is a power
station in the area, and rail facilities are located 50km from the
Shareholding in the deposit is split between 2 companies, firstly a
BEE partner which holds 26% of the shareholding and then another group
which holds the remaining 74%, Separate deals would have to be struck
with each party. An indicative price for acquisition of 100% of the
deposit at this stage is set at ZAR 435 million.
Should you be please follow the procedure outlined below;
- Request a copy of the confidentiality and non circumvention agreement.
- Return Signed Agreement.
- Issue LOI with proof of funds for the transaction.
- Set up a table top meeting
- Proceed with negotiations, government requirements etc.
Greenfield South African Coal Mine For Sale. New on Open Market.
Application: | Other |
Type: | Other |
Place of Origin: | South Africa |