PRODUCT LOADED AT: Richards BayCoal Terminal (RBCT)
PAYMENT TERMS: Irrevocable,Confirmed, transferable LOC (Incoterms, UCP terms and S&PC terms to behonored).
GUARANTEE OFPRODUCT: SGS Quantity andQuality Report; Performance Guarantee (2% performance bond)
SALE AGREEMENT: Seller to draw up theS&PC on receipt of the LOC
PROOF OF FUNDS: LOC or BG from the Buyersbank on acceptance of FCO
FIRST LOAD: On condition that a (BG) BankGuaranteee in place for 50`000 tons and monthly payment up front LOC or other payment instrument being activated andaccepted by the Sellers bank.
PRICE PER METRIC TON:RBI + 3.5% per Metric Ton
MONTHLY OFFTAKE 50000 X 12 months
INCOTERMS: RBCT (Richards Bay Coal Terminal), FOB: RBI + 3.5%
GCV ADB 6750-kcal/kg Below 6500 kcal/kg
Size 0 - 50 mm
Inherent Moisture ADB 5-9% Minimum 5800
Sulphur ADB O.6-0.9% Maximum 1.0%
Ash Content ADB 6-9% Maximum 12%
Volatile Matter ADB 35-41 More than 44%
Total Moisture ARB 12-14% Maximum15%
COMMODITY: RBI(Richards Bay Index) Coal Export Quality
QUANTITY: 50`000 Metric Tons per month