Various blends of waxes and other feedstocks as per customer requirement and applications are made and supplied world wide. Small lot deliveries also possible.
Other formulated waxes :
FAITH group has been pioneers in formulation of Antiozonant waxes for rubber industry since more then 30 years now. Finest blend of selected Iso and Normal Parffins is made to arrive at best quality product exclusively for important function of Blooming and Carrier of rubber chemicals.
Antiozonant rubber waxes
FAITH offers ready made solution of wax compound for Investment Casting and Jewellery Casting industry under brand of PreciCast. With the use of PreciCast range of wax compounds the user is relived from inventory management of various waxes and is also protected from price fluctuations and quality variation.
Investment and Jewellery casting Waxes: