**Kerawax 1000 is a very high quality, 'narrow cut' paraffin wax. Not to be confused with other waxes of a similar melt point offered in the market place. It is more expensive than a standard 56/58 wax.
Kerawax 1000
Colour Saybolt D156
Oil Content % max
Penetration@ 25'c/dmm
Viscosity @ 100'c cSt
Congealing Point ('c)
Product Name Not to be confused with other paraffin waxes, this is a superior wax that is very highly regarded by expert candle makers, sectioners and those wanting a rapid transition/setting phase. Extra pure, extra fine 'cut' Paraffin Wax
+25 1.0 13 6.5 65/69 Kerawax 1301 +25 1.0 13 5.0 63/66 Kerawax 1456 +25 1.0 15 5.0 60/62 Kerawax 1455 +25 1.0 13 4.1 57/59 Kerawax 2289 +25 1.0 12 5.0 56/58 Kerawax 422 +25 0.5 13 4.0 54/57 Kerawax 407 +25 0.5 16 3.5 52/54 Kerawax 482 +25 1.75 29 3.0 46/49 Kerawax 2203 +25 2.25 40 2.7 41/46 Kerawax 2387 +25 3.0 85 2.7 41/43 Kerawax 2187 Colour Saybolt D156 Oil Content % max Penetration@ 25'c/dmm Viscosity @ 100'c cSt Congealing Point ('c) Product Name Pure Paraffin Waxes If you don't see what you are looking for then click on this link and let us know by completing the following form:- FULLY REFINED PURE PARAFFIN WAXES: A variety of these waxes are produced for a number of applications varying in melting point, hardness and colour. |
A variety of these waxes are produced for a number of applications varying in melting point, hardness and colour