We are a registered International Trading company based in Russia . and we deal in all petroleum and urea fertilizer
BIOMAGis a professional liaison organization between globalcrude oil sellers and buyers. We have a reputation in facilitatingcrude oil business and represent REBECO & crude oil sellers in
Russia seeking relationships with buyersworldwide
We generally do not trade in spot but contract(usually 12 months or more and for orders of 150,000mt or more).And asyou can understand,our pricing policy is very simple; we will beat yourbest
alternative price by $1 ANYTIME, as long as they are genuinesuppliers.This is a promise.I know that we have the best price andquality for petroleum and Fertilizer products anywhere in the
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
We Are Open To Negotiation And Will Utilize Every Means To Meet Your Energy Need And We Are Direct To The End Seller. We are reg
we put our faith: | work |
Brand Name: | brent blend |
Place of Origin: | Russian Federation |