The Oil Production Directorate. Supplies 60% of produced oil to the refineries in the republic -Bashneftekhimzavody and Salavatnefteorgsintez. Arlanneft supplies oil also to the Ryazan and Syzran refineries, to Yaroslavlnefteorgsintez, Orsknefteorgnsintez, and the Kremenchug and Drogobychi oil refineries (the latter two are in Ukraine).
The Arlanneft Company was established on the basis the Bashkir Petrochemical Integrated Enterprise in 1990.The license number is registration number: 0264021596 series: . In 1995 it was renamed Arlanneft Production Association and in 1995 it was called Arlanneft Joint-Stock Company. Arlanneft t is the one of oldest oil producing facility in Russia; it makes up the basis of the industry in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria), and provides one-fifth of the republican budget. Arlanneft performs a complete cycle of prospecting for and production of oil and gas and marketing the products of their refining. It is among the top oil producing companies in Russia and develops 140 oil and gas fields in 27 regions of Bashkortostan and also in Tatarstan and Udmurtia. Its offices, branches and subsidiary enterprises function in big industrial centers of Russia and in the CIS countries. It also cooperates on a long-term basis with major companies of France, Britain, the U.S., Italy, Finland, Canada, Belgium and other countries. The main stockholder and owner is the Bashkir Open Joint Stock Fuel Company (63.72%) Organizationally, the Arlanneft oil company is part of the Bashkir Fuel Company together with other oil refining, petrochemical and power-engineering facilities in the republic. The company has 46 departments, including the Ufaneftekhim, Novoil (Novo-Ufimsky) and Ufimsky oil refineries and also the Ufaorgsintex petrochemical facility. The total output of its refineries reaches 40 million tons of oil annually.
The Arlanneft Company was established on the basis the Bashkir Petrochemical Integrated Enterprise in 1990.
Application: | Industry Fuel |
Type: | LNG |