Blow up your own balloons - buy your helium, rent the bottle, from us!
On some occasions the best is to blow up our own balloons and we can rent out and sell you the equipment you need.
The simple reason that helium filled balloons fly is that heliumis thinner than air - and remember - the helium belongs in the balloonNOT in your lungs. The balloon will fly from 12 to 24 hours
when youfill it with helium, all depending on the quality of the balloon.
Under you will find a table with practical information regardingthe tree types of helium bottles that you can buy from us - be awarethat the information regarding how many balloons the bottles
can fillup, is based on latex balloons with the same quality that the once wesell have. It also is based on our "standard" sized balloons - 11" (28cm) in diameter.
Safety Regulations for Helium use