"Every community produces both liquid and solid wastes and air emissions." a Air Pollution Control In general, odours can be categorized into two groups sulfur based compounds and nitrogen-based compounds. Solving odour problems requires a thorough understanding of the situation. AMACON can handle any odour control application. Air contaminants are emitted into the atmosphere as particulates, aerosols, vapors, or gases. The most common methods of eliminating or reducing pollutants to an acceptable level are destroying the pollutant by thermal or catalytic combustion, changing the pollutant to a less toxic form, or collecting the pollution by use of equipment to prevent its escape into the atmosphere Wet Scrubber at a Curry Powder Factory b Waste Water Treatment Plant When untreated wastewater accumulates and is allowed to go septic, it will lead to nuisance conditions including the production of malodorous gases harmful to human life. Management of Bio-Medical Wastes- is a critical area of great concern as hospital biomedical wastes could be highly infectious and be a source of spreading contagious diseases, AMACON takes up turnkey project on Bio-Medical Waste Management in Hospitals. AMACON has solutions for Effluent and sewage management problems that are enviro-friendly, cost effective and trouble-free in Hospitals, Industries, Hotels and Municipalities etc, through improved Bioprocess. Waste Water Treatment plant at TATA TEA GENERAL HOSPITAL, Munnar, KERALA c Biogas Plants What is biogas? Biogas originates from bacteria in the process of bio-degradation of organic material under anaerobic (without air) conditions. In the absence of oxygen, anaerobic bacteria decompose organic matter and produce a gas mainly composed of methane (60%) and carbon dioxide called biogas and used as a better fuel. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion or fermentation of organic matter including like Cow dung, Food waste, sewage sludge, municipal solid waste, biodegradable waste or any other biodegradable feedstock, under anaerobic conditions. Biogas and the global carbon cycle: Each year some 590-880 million tons of methane are released worldwide into the atmosphere through microbial activity. About 90% of the emitted methane derives from biogenic sources, i.e. from the decomposition of biomass. The remainder is of fossil origin (e.g. petrochemical processes). In the northern hemisphere, the present tropospheric methane concentration amounts to about 1.65 ppm(parts per million). Unlike fossil fuel combustion, biogas production from biomass is considered CO 2 neutral and therefore does not emit additional Greenhouse Gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Finally, biogas production from anaerobic digester presents the additional advantage of treating organic waste and reducing the environmental impact of these wastes. It contributes to a better image of the farming community while reducing odor, pathogens and weeds from the manure and producing an enhance fertilizer easily assimilated by plants. The output from the digester (digested manure) is actually a high quality organic fertilizer. Benefits of Biogas Biogas plants can yield a whole range of benefits for their users, the society and the environment in general, the chief benefits being; 1. Production of energy (heat, light, electricity).2. Transformation of organic wastes into high quality fertilizer.3. Improvement of hygienic conditions through reduction of pathogens, worm eggs and flies.4. Reduction of workload, mainly for women, in firewood collection and cooking.5. Environmental advantages through protection of forests, soil, water and air.6. Global Environmental Benefits of Biogas Technology. 1.Production of energy (heat, light, electricity) The calorific value of biogas is about 6 kWh/m3 - this corresponds to about half a litre of diesel oil. Biogas use, replace conventional fuels like kerosene or firewood thus allows for the conservation of environment. Biogas is able to substitute almost the complete consumption of firewood in rural households. 1 m3 Biogas (approximately 6 kWh/m3) is equivalent to: Diesel, Kerosene (approx. 12 kWh/kg) 0.5 kg Wood (approx. 4.5 kWh/kg) 1.3 kgCow dung (approx. 5 kWh/kg dry matter) 1.2 kg The biogas generated from small and medium sized units (up to 6m 3) is generally used for cooking and lighting purposes. Large units and/or communal units produce this gas in large quantities and can be used to power engines and generators for mechanical work or power generation. The bio gas plant is the perfect fertilizer-making machine and it has been tested all over the world. There is no better way to digest or compost manure and other organic material than in a bio-gas plant. Seven cubic feet of methane gas can be generated from one pound of dry leaves but only one cubic foot of gas will come from one pound of cow dung.Bio-fertilizers also secrete growth-promoting substances like hormones, vitamins, amino acids and anti-fungal chemicals, as well as improve seed germination and root growth. Bio-fertilizers, thereby also aid in the better establishment of plants. Bio-fertilizers are cost effective and eco-friendly supplements to chemical fertilizers. They provide a sustainable source for nutrients and healthy soils . Each biogas plant produces about five ton's of bio-fertilizer annually, which can replace chemical fertilizer. The following are the principal organisms killed in biogas plants:Typhoid Paratyphoid, Cholera and dysentery bacteria (in one or two weeks), Hookworm and bilharzia (in three weeks). Tapeworm and roundworm die completely when the fermented slurry is dried in the sun. Biogas plants also improve health conditions in the homes:Since biogas burns clean, homes do not fill with smoke and ash. Women and children experience less bronchial problems and can expect to live longer. Homes are also more hygienic. Dung cakes are no longer stored in the homes. Cooking with gas takes less time than with wood or charcoal or any other commonly used fuel. d Municipal Solid Waste Handling AMACON has the technology and expertise in the treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).Anaerobic Digestion Technology for Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste:- The system is divided into large-scale systems, (with a capacity of 2,000 tonnes/yr or more) and small-scale systems, (with a capacity of less than 2,000 tonnes/yr). Anaerobic digestion systems for digesting MSW are now widely used throughout the world. The majority of plants operates on a large scale, and involves complex plant design. To increase the rate of digestion and biogas production multi-stage processes are often used. These split the stages of anaerobic digestion, causing them to occur in separate reactors. The environment in each reactor can then be optimised for the particular digestion stage and so increase the reaction rate and amount of gas produced. Other systems use the thermophilic temperature range to increase the gas production rate. Most of the larger scale, industrial systems process MSW alone, however the simpler, smaller scale systems are more successful when co-digestion with animal manure is used. Advantages of MSW anaerobic digestion: 1. Makes landfills easier to manage by removing problematic organic waste material, which is responsible for gaseous and liquid emissions. 2. Enclosed system allows all of the biogas to be collected, unlike on landfills where recovery only yields 30-40% of gas generated. Methane is a greenhouse gas with twenty times the impact of carbon dioxide. 3. An end product that can be used as a soil conditioner is produced
a Air Pollution Control |