INTRODUCTION The demolition of harmful substances, fragrant, dusts or even toxic has been submitted for a long time, in the industrial uses with great courses, to fittingses traditionally to scrubber, vertical, horizontal or in line, or, in extreme cases, to expensive and binding post-combustion or to catalytic reactors. The enormous footsteps in before finished in the last years in the sector of the environmental purification, to which all have been called to offer ours I bring, she has developed more and more reliable and effective proposals. The technology to the Cold Plasma is among those that mostly have received the attentions of the researchers and the scientists. Such technology, broadly experimented and employee in innumerable applications, is at the base of our fittingses Plasma AIR (patented) with which answer more and more to the restrictive norms in subject of environmental pollution being, the same, the most effective answered to the purification of smoke from unhealthy or harmful environments of it.
The demolition of harmful substances, fragrant, dusts or even toxic has been submit