We have 3 dump sites in Fitulaand Chiwempala-Chingola, 10-15km away from the Chinese copper andcobalt smelter of Chambeshi in the Copperbelt of ZAMBIA(SouthernAfrica)
The surface area is100 000m2 with a height of30m,thus a volume of 3 000 000m3 and a tonnage of 6 000 000 mT.
Thegun test showed a minimum of 0.75% copper content other places showedup to 3% copper content ,thus a minimum of 45 000 mT of pure copper.
We offer them to you for outright purchasing at US$ 250 per mTof unmined copper,and we are inviting the would be buyer to do his ownevaluation of the quantity and quality of
the copper ore at his owncost.
We have an other dumpsite in Chingola area as well,on which weoffer either outright purchasing or to enter into Joint venture.