Here are specs of the material. Please contact us by email. We are open to start with trial shipment of30, 000 MT. And then we can go for regular contract. Open to discussion. COMODITY: HMS 1 & 2 (80: 20) ORIGIN: CanadaSPECIFICATION: ISRI 200-206QUANTITY: 30, 000 METRIC TON PER MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS (TOTAL 360, 000 MT) CONTRACT DURATION: 12 MONTHLOADING PORT: North AmericaSHIPPING TERMS: CIFDELIVERY TIME: AS PER CONTRACTPERFORMANCE BOND: 2% OF BANK GUARANTEEINSPECTION: INSPECTION CERTIFICATE AT LOADING
Here are specs of the material. Please contact us by email. We are open to start with trial shipment
Model Number: | Best quality Iron Scrap HMS 1 & 2 (80:20 |