Shivam water treaterspvt. Ltd.
Chandni Kapadia, Ms.
desired from the system plan.
5. In care of SF/DM/MB/outputbetween regeneration that is OBR you
4. Quantity of Water /Sewage / Effluent to be treated per Hour?
3. Quantity of Water /Sewage / Effluent to be treated per day?
2. Quality of TreatedWater / Sewage / Effluent? (Output Quality)
1. Quality of FeedWater / Sewage / Effluent? (Input Quality)
Ifyou have any requirement of ourproduct, kindly give us your inquiry in belowformat.
5. Effluenttreatmentplant [ ETP ]
4. Reverse Osmosis [RO]Plant
3. Sewage watertreatmentplant [ STP ]
2. Waste watertreatmentplant
1. Water treatment plant
Wehave a wide range of all type ofwater treatment plants at a reasonable andcompetitive price which are mentionedbelow.
Weare an international manufacturerof India an ISO 9001-2001,ISO 14001-2004, ISO18001-2007, CCR (USA) and D&Bcompany are into the field of complete water& effluent treatment.
We are an international manufacturer of water treatment plant and waste water treatment plant with ISO certificates |