Cimelia's operations thus aim to provide a unique and cost-saving channel to convert the cost of e-waste disposal into a source of revenue.
CIMELIA understands that the growing dependence on electronic products both at home and in the workplace has given rise to a set of new environmental challenge to electronic manufacturers in the management of E-waste and complying with environmental regulations.
Other board members include Mr Mohamed Gani Mohamed Ansari (Ansari), Mr Venkatesha Murthy (Venky), and Mr Chung Thim Sui.
CIMELIA RESOURCE RECOVERY PTE LTD, (CIMELIA), is formed by a group of professionals and experts from the E-waste management and recycling industry, aims to provide high quality, cost competitive
E-waste Management, Base Metal Recycling, PGM - Platinum Group Metals Refining and Environmental Consulting/Management Services to Multinationals around the world.
The facility is situated at No.3 Tuas Ave 2, Singapore 639443 with a land area of about 20,000 sqmts (Approximately 200,000 sqfts) and having its own network operation around the world. The plant
and the facility are recognized as the biggest E-waste Management, recycling and PGM recovery & refining facility in Singapore .
The team is headed by its Managing Director, Ms Seow Bao Shuen.
aims to provide high quality, cost competitive E-waste Management |