ASMA believes andadvocates total management of wastes,may it be municipal or industrialsolid or toxic & hazardous wastes.In this regard, ASMA believes firmlyin the principles of Best ManagementPractice where cost effective solutionsare sought and offered includingthe incorporation of waste minimizationtechniques for Total EnvironmentalQuality Management.ASMA provides aone-stop centre to cater to theenvironmental needs of the industry.Our extensive portfolio includesManualsampling and analysis of toxic & hazardouswastes to ensure compliance tothe relevant regulatory requirementsand to establish treatment options.Assessment of wastetreatment efficiency.Feasibility study ondevelopment of an integratedtoxic and hazardous treatmentand disposal facility.Consultancy serviceson total waste management system:Application for special managementof scheduled wasteWaste management competencytrainingWaste sampling, analysis, characterizationand profilingWaste packaging and labelingWaste reduction and minimizationprocess (resource recovery, recyclingor reuse)Compliance audit on waste managementThrough its associates, ASMAprovides:A one-stop center forthe management of toxic & hazardouswastes including onsite treatmentoptionsInnovative and proventechnologies for cost-effectivelandfill management includingpost-closure remediationASMAuses approved methods in thesampling and analysis of wastesamples such as American PublicHealth Association (APHA), UnitedStates Environmental ProtectionAgency (USEPA) and other acceptedinternational methods.
ASMA believes andadvocates total management of wastes,may it be municipal or industrialsolid or toxic & hazardous wastes.In |