Industrial Incineration Systems

Applications:The industrialincineration system is designedspecifically for the disposal of alltypes of waste fromType 0 to Type 5,and is used extensively in:Industries forpaint stripping from coated parts,paint sludge, liquid chemicals,solvents and resins.Factories foroil-soaked rags, grease, and spentoil.EffluentTreatment Plants for destruction ofthe sludge generated.Hospitals,Nursing Homes and Clinics for thedisposal of contaminated dressings,carcasses, organs, solid organicwastes, etc.Biological andPharmaceutical Research Labs forthe disposal of tissue and plantculture, animal cadavers, wetgelatine, capsules, biomass,de-activated carbon and outdateddrugs.MunicipalCorporations for the disposal ofcivic waste such as garbage.Canteens fordisposal of all vegetable and foodwaste.Available incapacities from - 10 kg / hr to severaltons per day.Services Offered:Wasteanalysis:A detailedanalysis of the wasteconfiguration is done toascertain waste componentsto determine the bestmethod for treatment anddisposal.Evaluationof existing disposalmethods:The currentdisposal system isreviewed for adequacy ineconomical andenvironmental terms.Wasteaudits:Comprehensivewaste audits are conductedto determine their exactquantity and nature.Sitesurveys:The availablearea is reviewed forsetting up of the system.Turnkeyprojects:Completeresponsibility is takenfor setting up the entiresystem.SystemsOffered:Upstreamequipment (wastepre-treatment,evaporators, etc.).Automatic/ semi-automatic loadingand conveying (belt orbucket conveyor system,hoppers, pushers, etc.).Incineratorsfor conversion of waste tofine, white sterile ashwith no visible smoke orodour.Fluegas treatment.Heatrecovery.Fluegas ducting and chimneys.Automaticde-ashing and conveying ofash.Completeautomation with PLC systemfor operationThe general scope ofsupply includes a suitable incinerator,the design providing for the requisitedwell time, water quench for reducing thegas outlet temperature, wet venturiscrubber for trapping particulate matter,packed bed tower for gas scrubbing andmist eliminator, eductor system and 30meter chimney.Incinerator:DesignThe normal design ofthe incinerator is a 2-chamber machinewith one primary chamber for loading thewaste and an after-burn chamber forburning the products of combustion. Anincinerator can also be designed with apre-combustion chamber, where, forinstance, parts coated with paint will bestripped of their paint and the paintsludge, which is the actual waste, willbe loaded in the primary chamber forburning. The incinerator design takesinto account in particular, and this is avery important when considering differentindustrial wastes, the long dwell timethat will be required to fully burn offthe gases, depending on their volume,concentration and toxicity. Our designenvisages locating both the chamberswithin the same body of the machine toensure control and economy providing forcreating turbulence for the gases.A large sized door isprovided for easy loading of bulky itemsdirectly into the large combustionchamber. It is also possible to providefor a chute and / or a hopper to avoidopening the charging door when theincinerator is on or if the waste is in aliquid or semi-solid condition.Primary combustiontakes place at very high temperaturesencouraging the reduction of combustiblewastes to a fine ash and the doublechamber retort design provides the longdwell time and turbulence needed topromote the effective after-burning ofsuspended particulates and gases.The incinerator can beso designed as to permit disposal ofliquid and slurry wastes in the samesystem with a special liquid disposalarrangement. The burning rate could befrom 50 ltrs / hr to 250 ltrs / hr andmore, if required.Construction:The incinerator isconstructed of welded rectangular sectionframe, lined throughout with high-alumina,castable refractory having a highcold-crushing strength and reinforcedwith stainless steel needles, in modularblock form. It is further heavilyinsulated on the cold face with highheat-resistant insulating material. Thisis generally recommended for batch typeoperation.Where continuousoperation is desired, refractory bricksof suitable thickness will be used withinsulating castable for the cold face.The hearth can be madeof heavy duty cast fire bars or solidrefractory in the primary chamber.Water Quench:In handling wastes ofcomplex configurations, it is essentialto scrub the particulates and gases sothat the final emission from the chimneyis well within the norms. As a firststep, the flue gases from the incineratorhave to be cooled from about 800

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-000 000 91 80 27825449 8110 416666
Applications:The industrialincineration system is designedspecifically for the disposal of alltypes of waste fromType 0 to
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