In this context UPL-EEL has carried out extensive work for treating raw water and effluents, to meet the disposal norms and also with an aim to make them amenable for recycle and reuse. This is achieved by using the advanced aerobic and anaerobic technologies and membrane concept. Aspiring to provide the best available technologies that adhere to international standards and meet the specified norms, UPL-EEL is collaborating with international membrane technology providers and manufacturers to get the right type of membrane to meet customer specific requirements.Common Effluent Treatment Plant Water Treatment Plant Industrial waste water and sewage treatment plant (Anaerobic and aerobic) Projects on recycle & reuse Effluent conveyance system Sea water Desalination plant Biomethanisation project Water supply and distribution network
In this context UPL-EEL has carried out extensive work for treating raw water and effluents, to meet the disposal norms |