Scavenger trucksCanal opening truckscanal opening/cleaning trucks (combine)Tank volume1.000 lt/-/33.000 lt1.000 lt/-/33.000 lt8.000 lt/-/33.000 ltTank material st-37Aisi 304 cr-nist-37Aisi 304 cr-nist-37Aisi 304 cr-niDirty water sucking valve 4 inch/-/6 inch4 inch/-/6 inch4 inch/-/6 inchDirty water discharge valve 6 inch6 inch6 inchSucking boom hose system --2700/4 inchRear lid opening semi mechanical/fully hydraulic -fully hydraulicVacuum pump capacity 300 m3/h/-/2.790 m3/h300 m3/h/-/2.790 m3/hVacuum pump drivenpto/split- shaft pto/auxilary motor-pto/split- shaft pto/auxilary motorHigh pressure water pump -120 bar/-/300 bar120 bar/-/300 barHigh pressure water pump flow -84.8 lt/min/-/391 lt/min84.8 lt/min/-/391 lt/minPressure regulator of high pressure water pump-nl2 mechanical/pn3 pneumaticnl2 mechanical/pn3 pneumaticDriven type of high pressure water pump -split- shaft ptosplit- shaft ptoHose pulley-hydraulic/900 rotatinghydraulic/900 rotatingJetting pulley-20 m/-/60 m/with gun20 m/-/60 m/with gunLogar lid lifting crane 250 kg capacity250 kg capacity
Scavenger trucks
Canal opening truckscanal opening/cleaning trucks (combine)
Tank volume1.000 l