Features :
25/50 mt
25/50 mt
25/50 mt
25/50 mt
Section Length
300 mm
450 mm
600 mm
1000 mm
200 mm
300 mm
400 mm
500 mm
500 mm
750 mm
1000 mm
1500 mm
Overall height
High Sea
Technical Data
It is deployed from containers or from a boat deck. Self-Inflating Flash boom will deploy faster than any other air inflatable boom in the world. Self Inflatable Flash Boom is a rapidly self-inflating, rapid response emergency deployment curtain type boom. The flotation chamber is cylindrical, and retains its shape and stability by incorporating a series of semi-rigid, lightweight hoops spaced on equal intervals throughout the length of the boom. Mavi Deniz Self Inflatable Flash Boom is rapid deployment boom makes it suitable for use in a wide variety of conditions from protected water to moderate ocean. |
Ideal for operations in ports, harbors, inland and coastal waters to moderate ocean for emergency response |