Applications:The PD incinerator isdesigned specifically for the disposal ofType 4 wastewith 85% moisture andis used extensively in:Hospitals,Nursing Homes, Clinics, VeterinaryInstitutions, Research andIndustrial Laboratories for thedisposal of human anatomical wasteincluding human tissues, organs,body parts, carcasses, bleedingparts, fluids, blood andexperimental animals used inresearch; Microbiology andBiotechnology wastes fromlaboratory cultures, stocks andspecimens of micro-organisms, liveor attenuated vaccines, human andanimal cell cultures, infectiousagents, wastes from production ofbiologicals, toxins, dishes anddevices used for transfer ofcultures; Solid wastes includingitems contaminated with blood andbody fluids, cotton, dressings,soiled plaster casts, linen,bedding and other material.Biological andPharmaceutical Research Labs forthe disposal of tissue and plantculture, animal cadavers andoutdated drugs.MunicipalCorporations for the disposal ofcivic waste such as garbage.Port Trusts andRoad Transport Corporations for thedisposal of garbage and canteenwaste.Canteens, Hotelsand Wedding Halls for the disposalof vegetable and food waste.Poultry Farms,Hatcheries, Zoological Parks andAnimal Houses for the disposal ofeggs, dead chicks, carcasses, etc.Available incapacities from - 20 kg / hr to 200 kg /hr.Design Features ofthe PD Range of Incinerators:HorizontalDesign - Primary and secondarychambers housed in single shellDestructionefficiency 99.00%Handles Type 4waste with 85% moisture contentSpecial highalumina low cement castablerefractory providing for high coldcrushing strengthOperates on220-240 V single phase 50 Hz ACsupply (except models PD 18, PD 25& PD 35 which require 440 Vthree phase supply)Extendedresidence time of >= 1.0 secSeparate smallash doorsMeets CPCB normswith no downstream equipmentLong equipmentlifeBurner:Single pressurejet oil fired mono block burner forprimary and secondary burning,meeting temperature requirements of800
Applications:The PD incinerator isdesigned specifically for the disposal ofType 4 wastewith 85% moisture andis used extensi |