The shape of circular cyclone dust seperator is still cylindrical cone, but conical cylinder section consists of such accessories developmented by Li JianLong and other people. Gas enter the system
from the under part of the cylinder, including a separation, purification requirements of gas (85%) flowing directly from the top, with few gas separated by the dust off top AD hoc bypass into
cones, in the cone within the second separation, the fluid in the cone lower returns a separate areas along the axis of a gas, few gas send the dust into the ash bin and then return to the system.
The new circular cyclone dust seperator has following features.
1. Low pressure drop
2. Small enlarging effect
3. High seperation efficiency
Large industrial application results show that the segmentation grain size of large circular cyclone dust seperator (1.2 m above in diameter) can reach 2
We mainly produce deduster, demister and other environment protection equipment. |