Trash Destructors

Applications:This series ofdestructors is designed specifically forthe disposal ofType 0 and Type 1wastesand is used extensively in:Offices for thedestruction of trash/rubbish,comprising paper, cardboard andfloor sweepingsFactories andresidential colonies for disposalof gunny bags, cotton rags, dryleaves, tea-cups etcBanks for thedestruction of soiled notesDefenceestablishments for the disposal ofconfidential documents and drawingsRailways forused ticketsPhoto studios,collection centers and printingpresses for their old waste printsand waste papers respectivelyAvailable incapacities from - 15 kg / hr to 240 kg /hr.Construction Details:Theyare ruggedly built of heavy gaugefolded, welded and reinforced steelsheets and plates and can be sitedin the open upon a level concretehard standing. Except in the caseof SD series, the destructor partssleeve together -no nuts orbolts are involved in the assembly.They are linedthroughout with castable,lowcement, high alumina refractoryconcrete. This provides for heavyinsulation between the chambers andouter case, thereby giving thedestructor internal protectionagainst high operatingtemperatures.Large loadingdoor makes possible the insertionof bulky items.Ingenious Design:LD/ MD / HD: Wastes are manuallyignited from the top, through theloading door. The flames are fedwith primary air from aperatures inthe grates. Secondary air is drawninto the destructor passingthrough the isolating space betweenthe outer casing and the innercombustion chamber, to ensureeffective destruction of smoke,gases and particular matter.SD: Bulkyfiles and closely packed bundles,the density of which may preventthe free circulation of oxygen,need slow, controlled combustionfor effective destruction.Employing an ingenioushydroxylativecombustion principle, the SDseries destroys loose waste,files, bundled paper and cards to afine white ash,thereconstruction of which isimpossible. Clean hydroxylativecombustion begins as soon as thewaste to be burned is ignited inthe charge chamber. Initial heatdistills combustible gases, whichburn and are admixed with oxygen asthey pass into the mixing chamber.These gases form hydroxyl groups -alcohols and aldehydes thatre-percolate through the chargedmaterial, seeking out all thecarbon and burning down to carbondioxide and water vapour.Why Not Just Use aShredder?Reconstructionof documents, drawings, bondpapers of high value is impossiblein destructors, because they areconverted into white ash. Paperthat is shredded does not offer thesame level of securityLarge quantitiesof paper may be destroyed at oncewith little effort,reducing thepaper to less than 5% of itsoriginal volume. Shredding is aslow and painful process ofinserting sheet after sheet intothe shredder,with no volumereduction, and resulting inloose, unmanageable bundles ofshredded paperIf adestructor is loaded within itsrated capacity and waste is burntin accordance with recommendations,itwill last a lifetime.Another means for disposal of wastewill never have to be looked at.Power savings are also made sincethe machines useno fuel orelectricity. On the other hand,shredders have a short lifetime(up to a maximum of 2 to 3 years)with frequent breakdownsThe destructorscan handle other types of wastethat a shredder cannot, like cottonwaste, cardboard boxes and gunnybags. All this gets burnt withoutproducing any visible smokeTechnicalSpecifications:MODELBURNING RATEDOORAPERTUREWEIGHTFLUE / hrmmkgmmLD27.5350 x 230400170LD515300 x 480425205LD 1030370 x 620600210MD 60060420 x 4201700255HD 3090560 x 5601750305HD 40120560 x 6502200310HD 50150560 x 6503000385HD 80240630 x 6955250465SD415 (loosewaste)30 (bundled waste)240 x 460635310SD620 (loosewaste)35 (bundled waste)360 x 460725325SD 1830 (loosewaste)50 (bundled waste)460 x 5501255356Standard Equipment:Trash destructorStandard chimneyof 1.2 meter length, refractorylined with smut arrestorAsh rakeOptional Items:Extra fluearrangements, if any.Caution:It isimperative that the user:Regularlyremoves the ash from the machine,which would otherwise impede flowof gases.Does notoverload the machine. The machineshould be loaded only in accordancewith our instructionsDoes notdestroy PVC, mercury, glassbottles or heavy metals, which willotherwise lead to intenseatmospheric pollution.The LD / MD / HD / SDtrash and security waste destructors, ifmaintained and serviced regularly, willlast a lifetime. Using these destructorswill bring an end to your waste disposalproblems.Manufacture:The destructors aremade in accordance with proven technologyrecognized throughout the world. They aremanufactured in our facilities at Jigani,Bangalore, with stringent quality controltesting, to ensure that the finishedproduct meets all our standards.

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-000 000 91 80 27825449 8110 416666
Applications:This series ofdestructors is designed specifically forthe disposal ofType 0 and Type 1wastesand is used exten
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