purchase price of product.
variability of the material treated are beyond our control, liability claims may not exceed
including composition and purity stated herein. Since the ultimate conditions of use and
accurate. However, said information and products are offered without warranty or guarantee
violation of any patents or regulations. The information presented above is believed to be
Nothing disclosed above is to be construed as a recommendation to use our products in
ponds and tanks
Use in municipal, agricultural and zoological wastewater lagoons, holding
Applicable Uses
For best results provide proper aeration of waste lagoon or holding tank.
Reapply initial application whenever the B.O.D increases beyond regulated
Maintenance: 0.5 gal per 100 yd3 (2.5 L per 100 m3) of effluent material.
1st application: 1 gal per 100 yd3 (5 L per 100 m3) of effluent material.
Suggested application rate is as follows:
Application Rates
(208 liters) or ready to use product. For best results use diluted product 24-36 hours after dilution.
1 quart (approx 1 liter) of Bio-Green WT concentrate dilutes into 55 gallons
Mixing Rates
mechanical dredging and treatment with toxic chemicals.
a wide range of substrates and environmental conditions. The microbes in Bio-Green WT
facultatively anaerobic microbial cultures making this product effective across
treatment lagoons and holding tanks. Bio-Green WT is a blend of twelve
consume excess nutrients including nitrates and phosphates in wastewater
to accelerate decomposition and digestion of biomass (sludge) and to
scientifically selected (but not genetically manipulated) microbes formulated
Bio-Green WT is a liquid blend of product consisting of naturally occurring,
Bio-Green Waste Treat Liquid (WT)
Package: | Packaged in 1-qt (0.95 liter) bottles. |