Deals in the following grades of Waste Papers:-OINP (Over Issued News Papers) and Yellow Pages Telephone Directories. Grade and Specifications PS-9 OVER-ISSUE NEWS Consists of unused/Overrun newspapers printed on newsprint baled or securely tied in Bundles containing not more than the normal percentage of rotogravure and colored sections.Prohibitive materials may not exceed: None permitted? Total Out throws may not exceed: None permitted1.07 Telephone BooksNew and used telephone books, with unlimited content of pages coloured in the mass, with and without glue. Shavings allowed..02 Unsold newspapersUnsold daily newspapers, free from additional inserts or illustrated material coloured in the mass.2.02.01 Unsold newspapers no flexographic printing allowedUnsold daily newspapers, free from additional inserts or illustrated material coloured in the mass, strings allowed. No flexographic printed material allowed.