SMC modular water tanks for industrial enterprises, residential, hotels, restaurants and other public buildings. As water, fire water, as well as higher quality of food, medicine, public health and
other sectors of the storage facilities required. Cleaning performance by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine Research Institute of Environmental Health and sanitation projects, as well as
epidemic prevention station, Beijing conducted a chemical and toxicological tests, the evaluation is as follows: to provide the synthetic material did not find and disable toxic compounds; to GC
Online identification and detection of volatile compounds, SMC water tank was foundhigh toxic compounds; toxicity test: SMC water tank water immersion test results show that the animal acute
toxicity and accumulation of non-toxic. Immersion water tank in line with the national drinking water standards (GB5749-85) and Japan sink high quality standard. SMC water tank modular structure of
the water tank is molded by the SMC board, sealing materials, metal structures and piping systems assembled from combinations can be assembled according to user needs 1-1000m3 water tanks, water
tanks need to be updated if the original, do not need to transform housing, molded by the door into the veneer, you can assemble, strong adaptability to the design and construction of a great
SMC is a modular water tanks generally adopted international new water tank. By the State Building Materials Bureau developed FR