USAGE AREAS In textile, dye, sizing industry_ _In drinking water facilities_ _In various foods and beverage industry_ _In bottle and pot washing facilities_ _In Air conditioner facilities_ _In Steam and Hot Water Facilities_ _And everywhere needing soft water_ _DAMAGES OF LIME IN THE WATER TO THE SYSTEM In Steam Boilers: prevent heat passing through lime deposition in heating surfaces, decreases __ yield of boiler. Fuel expenditures increase- Material is destroyed as a result of partial heat __ accumulation and collapses occur. Life of boiler decreases. In Textile Industry: Problems of holding the color in cloth dyeing occur. it causes of wool __ becoming felt. It causes using of chemical more than needed. In Laundries: It causes using of detergent more than needed. In Bottle Washing: Stains arise in processed glass goods after washing In Food and Beverage Industry: effects taste of the product in bad way. In Cooling Facilities: Yield decreases as as result of liming of cooling pipes or the system __ gets deactivated.
In textile, dye, sizing industry _ _In drinking water facilities _ _In various foods and beverage industry |