Start saving money immediately uponinstallation!
Gasil provides the maintenance forour equipment
Equipment requires no regularoperator/labor
You keep the difference, adding upin hundred of hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings per year!
We simply charge you a fraction ofwhat you regularly pay for chemical to use our system
Equipment is installed at no cost toend user!
Lower energy use means lessemissions by power plants
Low Energy Usage: 0.5kw per 1,000 m3/Inexpensive
GASIL System Advantages
Reduces chemical costs by up to 40%or more!!
Reduces maintenance and extends lifeof equipment by eliminating corrosive chemicals
Eliminates Safety issues due tochemicals
Eliminates Chemical Transportationand Storage costs
Faster,more effective than chlorine
Creates safer, healthier water
100%Natural, low energy process
Substitute chlorine and other watertreatment chemicals!!
Ozone Treatment of Municipal Water
For over 17 years, Gasil has been an industry leader in themanufacturing of equipment and production of industrial gases, and innovativeapplications and processes. Our technology and products are used by hundreds ofindustrial clients throughout Brazil. Gasil has a unique focus onenvironmentally advantaged solutions to enhance the productivity andprofitability of the industries it serves.
Ozone water purificaiton systems eliminate dangerous and costly chemicals. Systems can be scaled from sm. industry to municipal. |