The Atmos H2O Atmospheric Water Generator doesnt just provide cleanwater, it provides the best in pure water that is no longer foundanywhere on the globe due to pollution and contaminants found
inmunicipal tap and bottled water. The Atmos H2O has a specializedsix-stage filtration system that will eliminate and remove anycontaminants or harmful substance that is normally found in low
levelsin tap and bottled water with several carbon filters, a reverse-osmosisfilter, a mineral filter, nanometer filter, and three Ultra-violetbulbs that will eliminate any bacteria or viruses.
Unlike tap orbottled water which relies on chlorine to clean the water, the watergenerated by the Atmos H2O contains no chemicals, like chlorine, topurify the water since the water is extracted
from the atmosphere.
OurAtmospheric Water Generator is made from the best parts from all aroundthe world to perform in the harshest conditions and to ensure quality.
Formore information on purchase or possible Distribution of theAtmospheric Water Generator, please contact Automated Life, Inc. (Weare Factory Direct)
I can be reached directly