South Africa: In the City of Cape Town and in Pretoria, Lazur units are operating in the fruit processing industry and in the private houses, respectively; the equipment has been supplied according to the agreement with SIG Technologies and Rand Water Company. In the years between 1996 and 2003 we supplied and commissioned 37 systems of different capacities ranging from 3 to 50 cubic meters per hour, a total volume of 24000 cubic meters per day.
SVAROG and Magnetic Technologies Limited from United Arab Emirates have established water treatment and water purification stations in Dubai. The water is used for gardens and landscaping in Dubai.
We have started the testing and process for LAZUR technology in Dubai.
In Russia the company has supplied around 1000 systems for city utilities, manufacturing industries, sports complexes and private houses. A cumulative volume of 500000 cubic meters per hour of water is being treated and purified using this patented technology. Purification of drinking water from lakes, dams, river etc has undergone strict certification procedures and tests in Russia, South Africa, New Zealand, Israel, Singapore Korea and .
LAZUR water treatment systems are widely used in Eastern Europe and many other countries. In the last three years the production has increased three fold. The turnover of the holding company (JSC SVAROG Moscow) in 2003 was 2.3 million Euro and in 2004 it rose to 7 million Euro. Around 2500 systems of different sizes have been supplied and are working satisfactorily.