It includes features like aesthetic detailing, flexibility in volume and depth of well, precast concrete slabs, integrate steps for climbing down; installation within few hours, easy and low maintenance and also the well can be reuse and recycled. The rainwater harvesting technique can be used in all parts of the country, Where ever there is rainfall.
Surface water carries lots of impurities like mud, leaves, plastics etc. All these things block the entry point of the recharge pit or the manhole and to maintain the same is tedious, time consuming and expensive. So we have developed and designed a product specially for rainwater harvesting. We basically provide a facilitating tank which is easy to assemble and its maintenance is simple and effective.
Rainwater harvesting can be defined in two ways, one is to store the water and reuse it and other is to recharge the earth can be recharged by direct injection of water or creating a pit but it depends on the formation of land. Direct injection means putting into the bore well from where you get water. Fundamentally rainwater harvesting is same but most important is the post rains maintenance. Normally if we go by the books, there is no such product available in the market till date which can be fitted for the purpose.
Rain water harvesting :-
Rainwater harvesting can be defined in two ways, one is to store the water and reuse it and other is to recharge the earth.