After 10 years of inadequate iron treatment, tweaked unsuccessfully several times at considerable expense, we wanted a system that could adequately filter the iron so our water is drinkable and useable. Our new Iron Curtain Filter system has completely solved our iron problem and restored our water pressure.
D. Cutts - Shorewood, MN
Our Surge Premier water softener had been serviced several times, and the Surge Iron Filter completely failed after only 5 years. We had no water pressure, rust stains, and very bad smell. The Well WaterMax and Magnum Iron Filter system have solved all of our water problems. We have much higher pressure as well.
H. Larson - Plymouth, MN
We had a 6 year old iron filter system that was severely reducing our water pressure. The new Hague iron system has greatly improved our water pressure, and the water is no longer cloudy looking like it was with the Hellenbrand system. Thanks for all the good information and explanation of our options. Your reps were very helpful and know a lot more about iron filter technology and well water in general.
B. Hunt - Mound, MN
Our FREE SERVICE OFFER is the easiest way to find the right solution for your needs.
Customer Reviews
What's the Next Step?
You'll keep your water pressure, and eliminate the water problems!
Our systems are built exactly for your water chemistry, well pump, and irrigation system. Running your irrigation system while using your water inside the home is not a problem.
When we design an irrigation system, you get a complete system that delivers crystal clear water inside and outside your home or business!
Do you want the ultimate iron removal system?
Unlimited Iron Removal
Our iron filters come in a variety of tank sizes, and can be setup in single, duplex, triplex, and quad tank configurations to meet your needs.
Certain elements in your water like tannins, arsenic, and bacteria are removed with our specialized pre-treatment packages.
High levels of iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide can require additional oxidation methods. The H125 Iron Curatin System can be designed with additional oxygen, or even stronger oxidizers like chlorine if needed.
Problem well water requires a customized treatment solution for your water and your needs.
Customized to Your Water
Commercial-Grade Products guarantee years of iron-free, odor-free water!
Piece of Mind
Step 3: The entire system features full 1.25" flow for 32% better cleaning performance which greatly extends the life of the unit.
Step 2: 5 layers of graded filter media are used to create a structured bed with 40% better filtration than a single media bed.
Step 1: A dedicated tank uses pressurized aeration to oxidize iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide so they can be filtered.
Hellenbrand's Commercial line of Iron Curtain Filtration systems have become the industry standard for iron and hydrogen sulfied problems.
Commercial-Grade Filtration
Hellenbrand's Commercial line of Iron Curtain Filtration systems have become the industry standard |