Hydrosil International's HS-200 media is a revolutionary filteration media for waste water that removes hydroscarbons, oil, grease, VOD's, COD's, heavy metals, lead, mercury and other organis compounds. HS-200 can be blended with activated carbon to remove and even larger amount of compounds from water. HS-200 is used in oil production, plastics manufactures, pipeline pressure testing runoff, industrial water runoff, condensate systems, chemical manufactures and much more. HS-200 is also used after oil/water seperators for additional filtration. HS-200 also helps protect and extend the life of activaed carbons and resins thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency. HS-200 has no SWELLING like other products on the market.
HS-200 removes hydroscarbons, oil, heavy metals and other organic contaminants from water and industrial processes.