Bottled Water (POU MVP)
Your local Culligan Dealer delivers crystal clear water at work with either bottled or bottle-less point-of-use coolers. The coolers are available in a
variety of configurations.
Through ion exchange, Deionization gets rid of unwanted minerals in your water supply.
Choose the Deionization System that gives you the level of purity you need. Culligan offers strong-base, weak-base, or mixed bed systems. We'll help you determine which will deliver the quality of
water your business needs.
Culligan also offers specially engineered deionization systems for use on your commercial/industrial needs.
Water Softeners
Culligan is the right choice for battling hard water. From doing laundry to manufacturing, our softening systems give you the quality water you need to
take care of business.
Reverse Osmosis System
Clean up your water with a Culligan RO system. In Reverse Osmosis, water is passed throgh a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure, removing
unwanted dissolved solids. This process eliminates up to 95% of dissolved minerals, particles and organics from your water, giving you pure water for anything from making beverages
to printing.
Water Filters
Culligan offers many types of filters that improve water for a range of uses Multi-media, Granular-Activated Carbon or
Cullsorb? Iron Removal. Culligan can also provide specially engineered filters for use in many other commercial/industrial applications.