To ensure a correct level of chemicals and freeze protection in your closed loop, Heisler Green offers Start-Up blends. After a loop is drained and cleaned, our start-up blend can be added directly to the system without the need to add a percentage of chemicals as you add water.
Heisler Green has developed several different packages to clean-up dirty closed loops. By employing a range of dispersants, biocides, and iron cleansers, Heisler Green can efficiently, and cost effectively clean up any closed loop.
In addition to ethylene and propylene glycol for freeze protection, Heisler Green has developed products using alternative matierals to guard against freezing. These materials provide the same freeze protection and heat transfer properties, but at a much reduced cost to our customers.
Heisler Green offers specific biocides and bio-dispersants developed for use in closed loop systems. These biocides are dedicated to attacking bacteria and breaking down bio-film slime. Using these biocides will garuntee a system free from biological matter and will ensure proper heat transfer efficiency.
Heisler Green offers and array of advanced liquid and solid chemical blends to protect your system from scale and corrosion. Our CST series of treatments includes a variety of nitrite as well as organic based blends to accommodate every closed loop situation. These blends have been proven themselves over many years and continue to incorporate the latest in chemical technology.
Scale / Corrosion Inhibition
Heisler Green offers and array of advanced liquid and solid chemical blends to protect your system from scale and corrosion. |