First Step: POLYPROPYLENE SEDIMENT - 1 MICRON FILTERPP filter element may suppress
the bacterium to grow,removesthe granulated substance, the silt, the dust, the ironrusty and so
on the granular impurity from the water.
Second Step: RESIN BEAD FILTERResin filter exchange Na ion with Ca, Mg ions in the
watervia positive ion to achieve function of soft water.
Third Step: EVERPURE FILTEREverpure of American is a well-known manufacturer offilters.
They have the honor to get two patents over theworld, and assess the first level from the
American countryhealth foundation (NSF). High activated charcoal formulaand precoat filtration
filter all particles as small as 1/2micron in size.Characteristic- The excellent water-treating
equipmentprovides high quality drinking water. It reduce chlorine,chloramines, dirt, rust,
asbestos fibers and othersparticles such as Giardia lambla cysts, Cryptosporidiumparvum
cysts and adsorbs the different color unusual smell.
Fourth Step: BAMBOOCHARCOCAL FILTERThe charcoal via process of 150 degree to 1200
degree underwhich heating around 15 days, cooling around 10~20 days).Charcoal with natural
infrared rays through one monthheating process via carbon to get anti- oxidation, reducesthe
water molecular and beam adjustment.
Function- Diminish water elements, increases the oxygencontent, digestive function to be
smooth, causes thedigestion function to be smooth, Change energy to releasetrace element, and promotes the bodily metabolism function.
Returns to the glycol delicacy the water qualitative changethe pure good water.
1, Do not need the tank can save space 2, Do not need electricity 3, Do not need to void waste water 4, Keep mineral