We also have a small range of consumable items that are necessary for the operation of these systems.
2. For offices or practices where larger volumes of liquid nitrogen are required (more than 1L at a time up to a total volume of around 6L per day) the .
1. For offices or practices with one or two doctors, where only small volumes of liquid nitrogen are required at a time (no more than 1 L every 5 hours) the .
There are two models of elan2 Liquid Nitrogen Generators available, allowing you to chose the model that best suits your needs:
The elan2 Liquid Nitrogen Generators completely replace liquid nitrogen (LN2) delivery and storage. The Generator footprint is smaller than most storage dewars and eliminates the need for delivery access. LN2 is available for dispensing at the push of a button precisely when you need it. You dispense LN2 without having to use cryogenic gloves because the transfer Dewar need not be held during transfer.