Because ozone kills bacteria, viruses and protozoan, it is an invaluable substance for fish farming water treatment, particularly in fish farms using recycled water systems. To achieve safe re-use rates of more than 90% of the water each hour, it is essential. If ozone is not used, dissolved organics accumulate causing a series of problems. Also the resultant increase in the rate of microbiological activity can lead to further complication for the fish farm operator. In addition, types and species of bacteria are susceptible to ozone and particulate material in the water dose not prevent ozone acting effectively. Sufficient ozone will sterilize the water source and cross infection the water source and cross infection between farm can be prevented by treating between farms can be prevented by treating the effluent leaving a farm with ozone.
Fish Farming
Leisure surroundings and working conditions alike can be improved by utilizing the excellent odour destroying properties of ozone. Conventional odour disguising systems are generally transient in effect or unacceptable, as one odour is merely replaced by another. Ozone oxidizes and destroys the odorous material itself, thus removing the odour quickly and permanently, it cleans and leaves no unwanted secondary products.
Odour Removal
The numerous benefits of using ozone, including its excellent oxidizing power and its biocidal action, are widely utilized in the operation of swimming pools and saps of all sizes and uses. The flocculating action of ozone on colloidal suspended particles result in sparkling pool water whilst ozone's quick and through oxidizing properties remove a wide variety of organic pollutants giving a pleasant and safe swimming environment.
Swimming Pools
Ozone treatment is firmly established in the industry at the best method for final sterilization of bottled water. Wish increasing health awareness and a preference to bottled water over tap water, ozone generators are finding a buoyant market.
Bottled Water
Ozonators are widely used in bottled water, industries, Pharmaceutical, Fish Farming (Marine Hatcheries), Swimming pools, Ultra Pure water, Effluent Treatment, Odour Removal.
Source: Water processing for home, farm and Business, by Wes McGowan, published by water Quality Association Illinois, USA).
Ozone(O2) is considered the most potent of oxidants, ten times the power of chlorine it create no new chemical compound and hence and hence free from side effects.
Ozone Protection:
5.Pharmaceuticals, Chemical Industry
4.Hatchery , Sea Food Industry
3.Purified Water for Hospital , Hotels
2.Mineral water , Soft Drinks , Food Industry
1.Drinking Water Application
Material - MSPC/SS
Flow - 1000LPH to 50,000 LPH (01 gm 50 gms)
Ozone is very effective disinfectant for waste water treatment and leaves no residual. Also very effective in controlling BOD/COD.
Ozone solves many common problem of taste, odour, colour.
Ozone is to most efficient broad spectrum microbiological control agent available and the fastest oxidizing agent practically applied it destroys all bacteria, viruses and cysts.
Ozone's power full oxidizing, viricidal and bactericidal properties are known to process engineers, industrial organization and medical and water authorities world over. Ozone is produced by recombination of atoms in the oxygen molecule. Since Ozone decomposes in to oxygen fairly rapidly it is no possible to store the gas hence the need to generate and harness it at the point of application.
Ozone is the most environments friendly treatment known today leaving no trace of toxicity in water as against the bad effects of chlorine. The treatment and has long shelf life.
CRISTAL Supplying Ozone generates various applications. Ozone is the strongest oxidizer. to kill bacteria, viruses, water borne contaminations. The ozone technology use corona discharge principles for producing high purity ozone.
CRISTAL Supplying Ozone generates various applications. Ozone is the strongest oxidizer |