CVL offers Water & Waste water system solutions incorporating the state of art technologies to treat inlet water to make it process compatible whether it is a process industry or power plant and/or to treat the outlet water to make it reusable or environmentally acceptable as a discharge. CVL's capabilities in WTS: Engineering knowledge and experience available to design, supply, install and commission plants of any capacity to treat water from various raw water sources like Surface, River, Ground or Sea water or Power Plant/Industrial Effluent Water CVL has supplied water treatment systems of capacity adequate to meet the boiler make up, cooling and other water requirements of/ upto 600MW power plants. WHAT WE OFFER AS WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Depending on inlet and product water quality requirements CVL's water treatment solutions will incorporate a combination of process units li
CVL offers Water & Waste water system solutions incorporating the state of art technologies to treat inlet water to make it proc |